Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Earthly Father, Heavenly Father

Another Mormon Messages video morning. This time, I watched the newest one: Earthly Father, Heavenly Father. It reminded me of my Father's Day post from some years back. Time for a review.

This video gives me perspective on how our Heavenly Father might feel, being our "Dad." He loves us. He provides for us. I'm sure we frustrate Him sometimes, but He's patient with us.

I'm not a father yet, and won't be for years, but I have nieces and a nephew. It's fun to spend time with them, to listen to what's going on in their lives, to teach them songs they can play on the piano, to be their uncle.

I know being an uncle is nothing like being a father, but being a father isn't exactly like being Heavenly Father either. It's just an analogy, just to give us a little bit of perspective. I know that Heavenly Father loves me, and I know that He must see me as a child most of the time, making dozens of childish mistakes, but I'm His child. And maybe He's proud of me just for that. And for at least trying to do what He asks, regardless of how often I fail.

Those of you who are parents probably understand this a lot more than I do. I hope you enjoy the video.

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