Saturday, June 6, 2020

Love and Seek God

In a General Conference talk entitled The Love of God, then President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said that we need to love God, "For what we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are—and who we will become."

If we want to be and become like God, we need to think and do the things that will lead us to being and becoming like Him. Thinking about the Gospel and keeping the commandments are easier to do when we have an internal desire to seek God. And seeking God is practically automatic to those who love Him.

The more we love God, the easier it'll be to seek Him through thinking and doing the things that help us be and become like Him. So, let us nourish our love for God and use it to motivate us to become better people. In this fallen and disorienting world, it can be difficult to seek God, but that goal becomes easier as we increase our love for Him. 


motherof8 said...
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motherof8 said...

Discover on the Gospel Living App counsels how we can develop love for God. Pretty much the way we develop love for people.
*Talk to Him. Pray daily. Be hones with Him about your fears, your joys, and your struggles.
*Listen to Him. Stay worthy and watch for those small, incremental messages from the Holy Ghost.
*Do things for Him. We show our love for god by keeping His commandments, especially the commandment to serve others.