Thursday, March 25, 2021


Change is a tricky thing. Some changes are for the better, and some changes are for the worse, and sometimes, it's hard to tell which way a change will turn out until after the change is made. Yet, for all the variability and uncertainties of change, I can think of a handful of constants about it. Change always requires some adjustment, some "getting used to." And change is always an opportunity to grow, at least in wisdom. We can learn from every change we make and from every change life throws our way.

I'm not a huge fan of change. I'm not fond of the adjustment period, and I've experienced enough negative changes to not be too optimistic about any given change. But, love it or hate it, change is inevitable. We cannot always escape change, and we can't put it off forever. Perhaps, then, I ought to change my opinion about change. Since change is inevitable anyway, I might as well look forward to learning and growing from them, as well as to the possibility that any given change could be a change for the better.

Change is a tricky thing, and I don't typically like it, but, considering the inevitability and the potential upsides of change, I might do well to change my attitude about change.

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