Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010

Dear Home,
Things are looking good for the 6-Month-Away future when I get home. I look forward to being with my family again, and sharing my stories and experiences with them. I also look forward to helping them out when I get home. I have now completely missed at least TWO major projects within the past three months! I need to make up for lost time! Plus, I have a massive letter-debt I owe to my loved ones. Ben will be easy to pay back. I just have to write to him while he's on his mission. As for Sariah, I could probably write to her, too. But how on earth am I going to repay my Mom? I obviously can't just write to her. Maybe if I wrote to her more often while I'm still on my mission. Any way it happens, I just want her to know, by my actions, that I love her. Any suggestions?
In the meantime, Elder Sheffield, Elder Hall and I are doing great. Elder Sheffield is still too sick for tracting, so the missionary work has been crawling here lately, but our unity has never been better. I don't want to panic you by telling you this, but by watching other missionaries, I've observed that a sign of a unified companionship is that the unified two can wrestle with each other and still be friends. Elder Sheffield and I are about as unified as we can get, and, incidentally, Elder Sheffield is pretty good at Judo. I'm getting better, too, but I do SO much better at fighting when all competetors are upright and about arm's-length apart. Once Elder Sheffield gets me to the ground, it's over, even though Elder Sheffield is teaching me how to break out of holds and such. It's still challenging, and it's a lot of fun. And, fortunately, neither one of us gets hurt doing it unless we decide to wrestle in the park after P-Day activity and end up on a pile of sticks. I'm fine, but Elder Sheffield could probably use a band-aid or two. But he won anyway, so I don't think he's complaining. P-Day activity was soccer. I was the goalie. We all had a lot of fun and I was only scored on once. ^^
Also, there's something funny that happened at the start of the transfer, but I keep forgetting to tell you, and now I have no time. Remind me next week, Okay? I'll talk to ya'll later.
Love, your happy and healthy missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts

1 comment:

Miriam said...

Andrew, you are right. Mothers are people you can never really repay. They give you life, they help you in any way they can, and they love you no matter what. The only way to pay them back is to love them & by the way you live your life.
I'm sure that letters, and any other expression of love will make Mom happy. You don't need to feel inadequate on your letter-writing. You write us every week, just as you are instructed. We all enjoy your letters & want you to follow the rules so you can be sucesssful on your mission. We miss you, too. And we look forward to seeing you again. :)
I am happy that you get along with your companions so well.

Oh, and don't forget to tell us your beginning of transfer funny story. :)