Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What Lies Inside You

Today, I spent about half an hour of work time reading inspirational quotes on the internet. Please don't tell my supervisor. It'd be redundant. She already knows.

We had some downtime at work today (the start of the semester is usually pretty slow for us tutors), so we spent part of our time selecting inspirational quotes we could print up and put on our tables for our students to see. I thought I'd share one of those quotes here.
What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I don't know a whole lot about Emerson. Specifically, I don't know if he was religious. I don't know if he knew we have spirits or if he knew how great our spirits are.

This earth life is daunting, and it can certainly be a force to be reckoned with, but our spirits are as strong as anything we face here and will last much longer. In that sense, what lies behind us and what lies (immediately) ahead of us truly do pale in comparison to what lies within us.

However, it could be argued that Eternal Life and the power of deity are even greater, and those things truly do lie ahead of us, as long as we keep following the path that leads to them.

It's difficult to compare the greatness of the soul against that of the world and of God's promised blessings. A few of those things are literally immeasurable. But still, I believe I agree with Emerson's sentiment. Even now, in our mortal state, we hold a power that is greater than any challenge we have ever faced or will ever face in our mortal lives, and that great power lies within.

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