Friday, August 10, 2018

What We Need to Be Like Jesus

President Russell M. Nelson's first talk as the President of the church was a rather short one. He was mostly just announcing that the Elders' Quorum and the High Priests' Quorum would be combined from now on. But before he did that, he said a few words to the Priesthood holders in the audience.
I am very grateful for each man who bears the holy priesthood. You are the hope of our Redeemer, who desires “that every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world.” He wants all of His ordained sons to represent Him, to speak for Him, to act for Him, and to bless the lives of God’s children throughout the world, to the end “that faith also might increase in [all] the earth.”
This is an awesome responsibility: To speak for the Lord, to act for the Lord, and to represent the Lord. To do any of these things, we are going to have to become better people, wiser people, people with a deeper connection to the Holy Spirit. There is no way we can know "What Would Jesus Do" or have the wisdom to do it without the help of the Holy Ghost. That makes it our responsibility to maintain the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost because it is only through the guidance of the Holy Ghost that we can learn to speak and act like Jesus Christ.

Not everyone has been called to represent Jesus Christ on the earth, but we have all been commanded to become like that, and to do that, we're going to need some help. The scriptures can help, and good examples can help, but in order to know, from moment to moment, what we need to do to be like Jesus, we are going to need  the constant guidance and companionship of the Holy Ghost.  The help of the Holy Ghost is required for us to be good Christians, and especially to help us become good Priesthood holders.

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