Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Normal Holiday Night

Today (and, to a lesser extent, yesterday) felt fairly normal to me. I had some nice dinners with family, but that's almost a weekly occurrence for me. Apart from catching a few glimpses of the Macy's parade and having fancier place settings, I would hardly have noticed that yesterday was a holiday at all. Sure, I spent some time with some family members I don't see often, and that was nice, but even then, I see them often enough that seeing them again tonight didn't feel unusual.

Maybe that's part of the point of the Holiday Season. In Thanksgiving and Christmas, we have two major, family-oriented holidays. People annually travel hundreds of miles to be with their family for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. This way, many family members rarely go for much more than a year without seeing each other, which helps keep families close. I'm thankful that I regularly get to spend quality time with family and that there are strong American traditions that help keep family get-togethers normal.

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