Sunday, January 20, 2019

Many Messages

Today, we spent a considerable amount of time discussing Luke 2 and Matthew 2, and our discussions covered many topics. We talked about the many ways people receive messages from God and the importance of listening to them. We discussed what it means to worship God. We explored the symbolism of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God. It seemed like each person who read those two chapters came away from them with some different insight or question they wanted to share. That's one thing I love about the scriptures: There are so many messages tucked in there, there's at least one message in there for everyone. No matter what your needs are, there's a message for you in the scriptures. So, if you ever feel like you need to hear from heaven, pray for guidance and search the scriptures. The message you need is in there somewhere, and the Spirit can help you find it.

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