Monday, February 17, 2020

Daily Defenses

One of the points of my upcoming talk that is especially relevant to me is the idea of using daily habits to build up my spiritual defenses. I do several things regularly for the purpose of raising my defenses. I've been blogging for years now, and this year I also decided to pick up the habit of using Prayer, Hymns, and Meditation. All of these things help me build up my spiritual defenses and resist temptation. Of course, I should set aside time to study the scriptures daily as well, and I should probably also change my goal from meditating weekly to meditating daily, because the more I do each day to raise my defenses, the faster they'll grow and the stronger they'll become.

Defeating the adversary isn't a one-time thing. I know that now. There will never be a time when I don't have to fight off his temptations, not in this life anyway. Every day, I will have to face Satan's attacks, and every day, I need to make sure my defenses are strong enough to hold him off. That means that I need to continually repair and reinforce my defenses every single day. The more I do each day, the better. The more regularly I do those things, the better. I can't just put my armor on one time and expect it to protect me for the rest of my life. I need to put my armor on "every day, every day, every day."

I need daily habits that increase my spiritual defenses, I need as many of them as I can make time for, and I need to be diligent in making sure I do them every day.

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