Wednesday, June 10, 2009

06/10/09 I have a few requests...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Robarts <>
Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:24 PM
Subject: I have a few requests...

Dear Loved Ones,
I have a question for you. Do you prefer recieving letters with the
heading 'Dear Loved Ones' or 'Dear Home'? Dear Home is shorter, but
many of my loved ones don't live at my home. Your choice. Take a poll
if you want. I'd love to hear your opinions. ^^

This week, we had my first Zone Conference! I had heard stories about
previous Zone Conferences, but it's something you can't fully
understand until you've experienced it. Picture several back-to-back
firesides, geared towards missionaries, lasting all day with a lunch
break in the middle. That's close. Now add some inspiring movies in
some of the firesides. It's hard to describe it fully, but I think
you've got the idea. By the way, one of the inspiring movies was the
Susan Boyle clip from youtube! It was great to hear her again. The
lesson we learned from it is not to judge a book by its cover, but I
also learned from her example of self-confidence and courage. She was
completely fearless in front of that crowd.

So, I got some letters last Thursday. At my apartment. =) I was SO
glad to recieve those. ^^ Elder Kirkland said that rationing out our
letters is pointless, and I'm starting to agree. I have a stack of
letters I haven't read yet, and I realize that if there are any
questions or comments in them that I would like to write home about, I
don't know what they are yet, which means that you'll have to wait
another week to hear what I have to say about them. =( I'll read them

By the way, did you know that I came to Canada with an unaproved
tie??? Can you guess which one it is? (( Note to those who are tired
of guessing: My red tie with brown CTRs written all over it. )) Can
you guess WHY it's not approved? Send me your guesses. I'll give you
the answer next week.

So, you read about what I got in the mail last week. Guess what I got
in the mail yesterday. A notice. A notice from the post office saying
that I have a package waiting for me. A package that I'll pick up
TODAY! ^^^ I can't wait to see what's in it! ^^ Probably more candy.
I hope there'll be some Almond Joys in there. They don't seem to HAVE
Almond Joys in Canada. What's that all about, eh? =(

Sooo, I know you've got some questions for me. Maybe some questions
that you've already asked, but I haven't answered. Think you could
send me your questions again? Just group them all up and send them to
me in an Email marked Missionary Questionnaire.

Okay, time's up. =( That came way to quickly. One last thing, though.
I asked ya'll before, but what should I do with my $2 worth of USA

Peace! I love you all! -hugs everyone- -hugs Mom again- Don't miss me
too much! =P
Your Demanding Missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts


motherof8 said...

Why the tie is unapproved -
CTR stands for
1) Canadian Terrorist Rioters
or 2) Can't Take Ribbing

What to do with the quarters -
1) use one instead of the golf ball we forgot to get you for knocking on doors

2) stick them in the corner of your suitcase to use on your way home

Miriam said...

Save your quarters for when you come home, or if you get an area near the border, some places might take them.

Tie: Because it has writing on it.

Miriam said...

You could write "Hi!" that's short.

Or you could write something different every time.

I don't think anyone really cares or would feel excluded by your greeting. You can always say that by home you mean where your heart is--with all your friends and family (where ever they live).