Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

So... It's kind of been a while. To be honest, I don't really know what to say. I just know that I need to say something because it's been way too long since the last time I've posted anything.

It's Father's Day, so I guess I could talk about a very important father I know, our Heavenly Father. The trouble is, the things I would like to say about Heavenly Father are a bit controversial, and I'm not even sure how much of it is true. I know that parts of what I would like to say are true, but other parts of what I believe may just be my opinion, but I still believe it, though I know I may be wrong.

I hope I don't offend anyone when I say that I like to think of my relationship with God is something closer to Father and son than King and servant. I know that God knows me personally, and that He loves me like a Father loves his son. I know that He wants what's best for me and that He wants me to succeed, like any good father would.

Sure, He wants me to keep His commandments, just as a King expects his subjects to obey his laws, but fathers often have to lay down the law, too. Fathers set curfews, limits on privileges, and even some 'thou shalt not's, all out of a desire to protect their children. For example, a father might forbid his child from going to a certain party, not just because the King doesn't want any drunkards in his kingdom, but because the father doesn't want his children to get themselves hurt, or hurt each other.

Plus, that kind of Father/son perspective is helpful when I really need someone to talk to. When I need to have a heart-to-heart with someone who knows me perfectly, and loves me anyway, I know that I can always call my Heavenly Father. Sometimes, in those situations, I refer to Him as my Dad. Now, I really hope it's not sacrilegious for me to say that, that is to say, I hope God doesn't have a problem with me calling Him that, in certain situations. I'm sure that, in some situations, He probably would have a problem with such casual language. He is our God. Therefore, we owe Him reverence and respect. On the other hand, when I really need Him, I know that God will be there for me, not as my Great Eternal Judge, but as someone who cares.

I don't know. It's kind of complicated. I hope that someday I'll understand my relationship with Him more completely while I'm still alive. But for now, in my opinion, my relationship with God is such that it makes perfect sense to fold my arms and close my eyes and wish Him a happy Father's Day.


The Father of Five said...

I like this post.

I have often felt I had a unique (personal) relationship with God.

Being Catholic, we deal with a lot of "structured" prayer. While (at times) I like the familiar cadence and sentiment of these prayers - I find "talking" to God as I would with any of my friends to be the most meaningful.

When I am most in need of his intervention - I find my "prayers" to be more like having a talk. That's when I listen best too!

God knows that we are only human. After all, he created us. I believe he has compassion and understanding of our shortcomings.

Great post!

motherof8 said...

Thoughtful and thought-provoking. Inspiring. Great post.