Friday, October 3, 2014

Paladins ≈ Knights - Overcomplication

Yesterday, I was trying to explain what a Paladin was to someone, and after spending several minutes describing their commitment to righteousness, their code of conduct, their skill at arms and horsemanship, and the divine power they get in return for their devotion, I was told by the person to whom I was explaining all this, "So, basically, they're kind of like knights."

At that moment, I found it astonishing that a concept that's so difficult for others to understand became very simple to them when put into terms they understood. I could easily spend an enormous amount of time explaining what a Paladin is, what he does, what he can do, and why I would want to be one, and people still probably wouldn't get it. But if I say that I want to be as chivalrous and valiant as a knight, suddenly everybody knows what I mean.

As it turns out, I've been overcomplicating this. I'll still consider myself more of a Paladin than a knight because I love medieval fantasy more than medieval history, and the divine magic that sets a Paladin apart from non-magical knights reminds me of the divine power we each can get for our righteousness, and I really need that "magical" power. But from now on, whenever I need to explain what a Paladin is, I'll just tell them that a Paladin is kind of like a knight.

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