Sunday, October 22, 2017

Choose Your Own Goals

My brother and I had a conversation today in which we determined that life is an adventure game in which one chooses their own win conditions. In a normal adventure game, you're usually given an objective, like "collect (almost) all of the blue and/or red pages by travelling to various worlds and solving their puzzles." In life, the goal isn't so obvious. Sure, we all want happiness, but there seem to be multiple ways to get it, and not all ways work for everyone.

Of course, there is only one way to achieve ultimate eternal happiness, but even while we follow the "strait and narrow path," we have a good deal of leeway regarding how we spend mortality. We can pursue one degree or another, multiple degrees or no degree at all. We can choose our own career path (within the limits of our abilities). Our choice of hobbies is completely up to us, as long as we don't choose anything sinful. And while God may offer advice regarding whom we marry and how many kids we have, there are still many choices God leaves entirely up to us. To a large extent, God lets us pursue whatever goals we want that don't conflict with our eternal goal.

So, we each have some serious, yet largely inconsequential choices to make. In the eternal scheme of things, I don't think it'll matter much what our Earthly hobbies or careers were, except that they'll give us experience that we may or mat not be able to draw upon hereafter. If we want to be bankers or doctors or teachers or writers or whatever we want to be, that's our choice to make. We get to choose how we want to spend mortality, including how we earn and spend our money. Beside the one major goal of mortality, any other goals we have in life are left for us to define. So, pick any goals you want, confirm that it's not going to interfere with eternity, and then go for it. It's your life. You choose what to do with it.

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