Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Faking It

The main reason I'm excited for the next campaign is that I'll get to play a paladin, which will hopefully help me become like a paladin. But I've also thought, if acting like a paladin for a few hours once per week would help me gradually become like a paladin, wouldn't acting like a paladin more often help me become like a paladin faster? In fact, why not act like a paladin as much as possible, if not all the time? Sure, I would only be pretending to be that good, at least at first, but if that meant that I would be acting that good, isn't that worth something? Performing good acts is a good thing, even if it is only an act.

Or is it? I have my doubts, but I may be making this situation more complicated than it really is or needs to be. Arguably, anything that leads to good results is, itself, good. If acting like a paladin helps me be a better person, then maybe I should pretend to be a paladin more often, even though it is just pretend. I would be faking it, and one shouldn't be fake, but I'd only be faking it until I make it. As long as I "make it" by becoming a good person, it may not (and hopefully will not) matter how I got there. I can't say for certain, but if it works, maybe acting more righteous would be okay, even if it is, at first, just and act.

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