Friday, June 4, 2021

A Wrongish Warning

While I was visiting a friend of mine, he had to go do some grocery shopping, and I tagged along with him. While we were checking out, a man ahead of us assumed that we were a couple, and he told us that God hates homosexuals and that we needed to repent or we would go to hell. Despite how wrong he was, I tried not to be confrontational, partly because he was partly right, and I can imagine that his heart might possibly have been in the right place.

God does not hate homosexual people. God doesn't hate anyone. God loves all of His children, even those who don't always listen to Him. However, God does hate sin, and there are certainly consequences for committing sin. If the man ahead of us was genuinely concerned for the welfare of our souls, then perhaps warning us of those consequences could be seen as an act of kindness rather than close-mindedness. God warns us of the consequences of sin, and there are certainly times when we should follow that example, if that's what that man thought he was doing, then blessings on him. However, even while we warn others of the consequences of their actions, we should always be kind.

In a way, I'm almost glad that this stranger was brave enough to warn us against the sin he thought he saw. He was acting on his convictions, and I respect him for that, even though I think I would have approached the situation a bit differently, if I reacted to it at all. Personally, if I saw a pair of people that I thought were gay, I don't think I'd even say anything. Any warning against the sin of sexual impurity would be more likely to ruffle feathers than change minds or hearts, and it's more likely to lead to a discrimination lawsuit than to repentance. Frankly, I don't think I'd bother. Sure, I'd warn a friend about the consequences of such a sin, but I don't think that that warning would be as effective coming from a stranger in a checkout line.

There is are good times, places, ways, and reasons for warning others about the consequences of sin. I'm pretty sure that man failed on at least three of those counts, but I respect him for trying, regardless of how wrong he was.

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