Tuesday, February 8, 2022


One of the skills I am gradually learning is the challenge of prioritization. I have several assignments and responsibilities. Each of them has a different level of importance, urgency, and time required to complete them. And I have a finite amount of time in which to get it all done. Sometimes, the most important task takes priority, which seems only natural. At other times, tasks with greater urgency take priority, temporarily shelving the more important tasks. And of course, the more time-consuming tasks require more time to be devoted to them.

I can only work on one task at a time, so I have to choose, in each hour, what I'll work on at that time. To further complicate matters, my mind needs occasional rest to keep up its full capacity, and high-importance, high-urgency tasks occasionally come up, taking priority over all else. Prioritizing my time is a constant juggling act, with the highest priority task changing more frequently than one might think.

Despite the challenge of prioritization, I'm confident that I can get it all done on time. It's just a matter of determining which task has the highest priority at any given time, and doing it.

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