Saturday, March 3, 2012

Components and Blessings of Daily Worship

One of my favorite parts of the Book of Mormon is the King Benjamin Address (Mosiah chapters 2-5). I love the things that King Benjamin teaches, but as many times as I've read his sermon, there was always this one point I missed. Luckily, Elder Keith Crockett got the following point, and in October 2000, he shared it with the rest of the world.

The message comes from Mosiah chapter 4 verses 11 and 12, in which King Benjamin shares a glorious promise. In verse 11, King Benjamin encourages us to:

1. Remember the greatness of God and His goodness
2. Humble yourself
3. Call on the name of the Lord daily
4. And stand steadfastly in the faith.

And in verse 12, King Benjamin promises that if we do this:

1. We shall always rejoice
2. and be filled with the love of God
3. and always retain a remission of our sins
4. and grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created us, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

Such amazing promises for such simple acts! What would it be worth to you if you could have the promise that you would always rejoice? Personally, for that promise alone, I believe that it would be worth a great deal of effort. Yet, "a great deal of effort" is not what's required of us. To obtain these promises, all we must do is remember God in thanks and daily worship, acknowledge His greatness, especially compared to ourselves, and stand steadfastly in the faith. Daily worship is as it boils down to. If we keep a spirit of worship in our hearts, we'll be praying almost constantly, and if we do it with the right attitude, it will help us to remember the greatness of God, and to consequently humble ourselves in comparison.

Of course, maintaining a spirit of worship like that takes constant effort, like pedaling a bicycle, but just like riding a bike, it propels us forward.

I'm grateful for the scriptures, for their "hidden treasures" of timeless wisdom. I'm grateful for dedicated teachers who find these hidden treasures and share them with others. I'm also grateful for God's patience with us, that even though we learn so slowly, He still works with us and tries so hard to teach us. I thank Him for that, and for His giving us so many ways to learn of Him and His truths. I pray that I may be able to do everything that I need to do to qualify for the blessing of growing in the knowledge of the glory of Him that created me and in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Thank you for sharing your studies and reflections. You are a good writer - both in craft and message. The messages you share are things I personally need. You must be inspired!