Sunday, June 4, 2017

Bearing Light

The world is full of darkness, but a little bit of light can help drive it away. We draw in light as we study and pray, and that light can help us repel darkness, not only from ourselves, but also from the people we care about. Some people carry less light or face stronger darkness than others. We can help those people by bearing extra light to them, and when we are those people, we can seek help repelling the darkness by seeking out places and people with light. As we all draw in light and bear it to each other, we can all make and find places of refuge where we can, together, fend off the darkness of the world.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I like what you said about helping those who face stronger darkness and about seeking help when the darkness around us seems strong. It is true.

We need to remember to look to the light and not just stare fearfully at the shadows around the edges.