Monday, June 26, 2017

Many Messages

I first blogged about Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame on November 16, 2014. On May 17, 2015, I blogged about it again, saying that there were "at least a dozen blogworthy quotes and moments from the movie," an assertion which I intend to prove. I've blogged about it twice since then, once on September 11, 2015, and again on October 1 of the same year.

More than a year and a half have passed since the last time I blogged about The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and I still have to blog about it at least another eight times. (This time doesn't count.) To that end, I bought a copy of the movie two days ago, and tonight, I watched the film with my family, with a clipboard in hand, determined to list at least a few more blogworthy thoughts. With the help of my family members offering their insights, I was able to fill the entire page with potential blog topics, generating far more than the mere eight ideas I needed to eventually prove my previous claim.

I'm not sure how many of these ideas I'll actually blog about beyond the eight I need to complete my dozen, but I'm glad I have a good list of potential blog ideas. (I actually now have several lists of blog ideas, scattered in various locations, which I should compile, consolidate, and occasionally turn to.)

This list of ideas came to me as I intentionally looked for them. Unlike the hamburger I blogged about on Saturday, very few of these new insights came without some pondering. But as long as I was pondering and kept my mind open to new ideas, I found many new blogworthy messages in a movie I had seen at least three times already, proving that there were more blogworthy messages in the movie than I had caught in the first, second, and third time I watched it.

This is probaly part of the reason why we're encouraged to read and reread The Book of Mormon many times. There are many important spiritual messages to find in that book - far more than can be found in only the first few readings. My family just finished our umpteenth reading of The Book of Mormon recently, and we've started reading it again. I'm fully confident that, over the course of this reading, I'll find many insights in The Book of Mormon that I hadn't caught before, and I'll try to blog about a few of them. As with The Hunchback of Notre Dame, there are countless insights to find in The Book of Mormon, and to find them, we have to search for them  over the course of many repeated readings.

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