Monday, December 14, 2009

December 14, 2009, A Testimony

Dear Home,

I don't need to tell you that last week's attempt at writing Emails home was a horrible failure. But it taught me an important lesson: First Things First.

All too often, I answer my Emails in the order I recieve them, then write 'Home'. Last week, that didn't work out so well, so today I'm following the philosophy that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Also, I REALLY need to tell you about the investigators Elder Grimshaw and I have been blessed with.

First, I promised I'd tell you about.... Megan (names have been changed). Megan is a superstar! Elder Grimshaw gave her a Book of Mormon just before I came into the area, and she's been reading it ever since. She's in the Book of Alma right now, just about to read the story about Ammon the Missionary. She is going to love it!

And reading the book isn't the only thing Megan has been doing. She calls us with her questions. A few weeks ago, she left a message on our phone asking what 'mana' was, referring to the part of the Book of Mormon where Nephi reminds his brothers of how God blessed the Isrealites. She also does the "Additional Study" in the back of the missionary lesson pamphlets, looking up the scriptures and answering the questions. Megan has made studying the Book of Mormon an important part of her life.

But it's not the only thing going on in her life (Thank Goodness!). She also spends time with her family and helps take care of her injured aunt. And between all the things she has on her plate right now and the general buisiness of the holidays, she hasn't had the time to read the Book of Mormon lately, let alone set aside time to visit with the missionaries. We continue to pray for her and her family, especially for her aunt, but as far as sharing the Gospel with her goes, all we can do is wait for her schedule to clear up.

Another investigator we have is.... Thomas. Tom is a great man, who is /VERY/ well prepared to recieve the peace that the Gospel brings. I can't really tell you too much about him because some things are just too sacred to talk about in an Email (Much less post on a blog!), but what I can tell you is that Thomas's learning of the Gopsel, especially the means by which he came into contact with the church at this time, is obviously the will of God. Seriously, if I told you what happened, you either wouldn't believe me, or you would know without a doubt that this is God's true church. I know that it is, and my testimony has been greatly strengthen by having met Thomas. I feel so blessed to be one of the missionaries teaching him. When people talk about their missions, they often mention a 'Golden Contact', someone who was so ready and willing to accept the Gospel that it was a sacred privilege to teach them. Thomas is one of those people. I'm amazed that God trusts me enough to watch over Tom and guide him through the process of conversion.

After seeing what I've seen, hearing what I've heard, and feeling the spirit that I've felt, there's no doubt in my mind that this church is true. I know that Jesus lives. I know that God lives, and loves us, and works actively in our lives. I know that the Gift of the Holy Ghost is the greatest blessing that we can have in our lives, and I am growing more grateful by the day that I have been given this gift, and that I now have the sacred calling to share this gift with as many people as will accept it. And I thank God that there are so many people that are preparing themselves to enter into the covenant of baptism so they can recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost as well. I am so blessed.

This testimony would be a lot more moving in person. =/ I wish that everyone who's reading this blog could hear me bear my testimony in person. I love you all so much, and because I love you, I want to share with you the things that I know, the things that I've learned. I wish that all the people on Earth could learn the things that I've learned. It would bless them all so much. But, like Ammon said toward the end of the record of his mission, I should be content with the blessings that I've been given, and not wish for any unearthly power to share my testimony with everyone. Just the people I know personally. Still, I wish that I could share my testimony with all of you. Maybe if I'm faithful, God will grant me that wish.

Love, your greatly blessed missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts

1 comment:

Teresa R. said...

Wow...and thank you for sharing!

The same Spirit moves in person and over blogs/email...if we are paying attention.

Lots of love,