Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010

Dear Home,
It's not opposite day. On Tuesday, Elder Sheffield and I were NOT invited to a members' home for dinner, and their daughter did NOT tell us 'It's not opposite day.' Because of that, everything made perfect sense to everyone, and we were all bored out of our minds. Nobody laughed all evening. It was probably the most miserable night of my entire mission. Even the girl's parents hated it.
I hope all of you had trouble understanding that. Hopefully, nobody understands it, so no one will be able to explain it to you. =P
I'll go back to speaking normally now. Which means I won't. Which means I will. I'm gonna stop right now before I confuse myself. Elder Sheffield really got into it and started making my head hurt. But it's all good. ^^
Other than that, there are only two interesting things that I can tell you about, and they both happened on the same Saturday. First, just after dinner, Elder Sheffield and I had just left the church when we realised that I didn't have my keys. Since Elder Sheffield and I each carry keys, I'll explain which keys I'm responsible for. I hold the key that allows us to get back into our apartment every night. I also (with the keys) hold the remote that deactivates the alarm on our truck after it broke off of the keychain with the key that lets us start our truck, which Elder Sheffield holds. I also hold the key that lets us get into the church building so we can eat our meals there, and retrieve anything that we may have accidentally left in there after our meals. Basically, our church keys were locked inside the church, and without our church keys, we couldn't go in and get them. Luckily, we still had our truck-starting key, so we were able to drive to a member's house and borrow their keys. I was almost surprised they trusted me with their keys.
I'm out of time (already), but really quick; just after we got our keys back and returned the members's keys to them, we ran over a screw which puntured our front right tire. Luckily, it's stuck in there fast and it's not letting any air out, but eventually, it's going to become a problem, which will make this situation even more funny. But until then, we just have to keep an eye on it.
Love, your frequently over-time missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts
PS, What should we nickname our little screw friend?

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