Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Anger is a Waste of Time

I don't really have anything to blog about today. This morning hasn't been going as well as I could have hoped. I've heard that there are no negative experiences - just learning experiences. I guess what I learned this morning is that it's a waste of time to get angry at yourself or others. It certainly wasted a lot of time today.

Anger is a negative emotion. I don't understand it well enough to know what all causes it, but I know that it doesn't come from God. Instead, from God we get the power to forgive whomever we're angry at, by that ourselves, other people, or God Himself.

We don't really want to feel angry. It doesn't feel good, it clouds our judgement, and it accomplishes nothing. There is nothing beneficial about anger that I can think of. I was about to mention that it can sometimes empower and motivate people, but it really only motivates us to do things that we'll later regret, like spending my whole morning arguing with myself. Anger doesn't really help anyone. It can only hurt people, including those who feel it.

It's better to let go of anger as soon as you can. Forgive people as quickly as possible and, in order to not reopen closed wounds, try to forget what it was that made you angry (after you've learned from it, of course). I might have learned a few things from what upset me this morning, but right now I'm too emotional to tell. Anger is an enemy to wisdom. Avoid it when you can.


motherof8 said...

I don't know how to help, encourage and motivate without offense sometimes.

Andrew Robarts said...

It wasn't you who made me angry, Mom. I'd better text you since I have no idea when you'll see this.

Kay Camenisch said...

Anger does cloud judgment and burn up energy and life. However, it can be a gift from God if we use it to look for the root cause of the anger--the unrighteousness that is in our hearts. If we take the unrighteousness to God and seek His forgiveness and cleansing, we can grow in God from having been anger. I pray that you will find the grace of the Lord for redemption, peace, and joy.

Andrew Robarts said...

Hmm, I hadn't thought of it that way. Thanks for sharing that!