Sunday, March 15, 2015

Reading Instead of Writing

Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Lynn G. Robbins spoke about scripture study in their special YSA Fireside last night, and Scriptures was the topic in Gospel Essentials class this week. When God hits me with a certain topic more than once within a 24-hour period, I tend to assume He's trying to tell me something. In this case, He's trying to tell me to study the scriptures. Since it's pretty late and I'm already kinda tired, I think it would make more sense for me to go study the scriptures right now rather than staying up blogging about how much and why God wants me to study the scriptures. To make a long blog post short, multiple General Authorities have counseled us to study the scriptures every day. If you haven't already spent some time with the scriptures in the day in which you read this blog post, I'd advise you to make time to study the scriptures today, even if it means taking time away from doing something else.

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