Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Sacred Christmas Tradition

My family has a wonderful Christmas tradition. Each year, on Christmas Eve, we have a quiet, reverent family dinner. We eat simple foods: fruit, bread, and cheese, and we eat them by candlelight or by the light of a fire. The food and the lighting remind us of the sacred evening when Jesus Christ was born, and it helps us invite His spirit.

This traditional dinner is very special to us. I might even go so far as to say that that evening is sacred to us, in light of what Elder Nelson said in the quote above, "Family time is sacred time." Most families have holiday traditions. The best of those traditions are the ones that bring family members closer together and closer to the Lord.

If you don't have any Christmas traditions like that yet, I invite you to borrow this one. It has always been one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season, a sacred moment that I get to share with my family and that helps us focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

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