Sunday, June 5, 2016

"Because God Said So"

In Sunday School this afternoon, the instructor asked the class why people need to be baptised. Someone answered, "Because God said so." The teacher wrote the word "Commandment" on the chalkboard and explained that "Because it's a commandment," means basically the same thing as "Because God said so."

God has given us many commandments, and some of them don't seem to have clear reasons for them. For example, I don't know the reason God requires His children to be baptised. I honestly don't think any mortal person does.

But the good news is that "Because God said so" isn't the only reason for any commandment. Some commandments may seem arbitrary, but that's only because we don't fully understand them. God has reasons for all of the commandments He gives us, and His reasons are a lot better than "Because I said so," even though He doesn't always reveal them.

Earlier today, I was annoyed by a rule that seemed to be completely arbitrary and stupid, but I've decided not to let it bother me any more. For now, I can accept that the rule is the rule, if for no other reason than "Because God said so," knowing that God certainly has a better reason than that. I may not know what the reason is, but knowing that God has a reason for the rule is enough to convince me to respect it.

Eventually, I will learn why God made that the rule, and it'll make perfect sense to me, but for now, I can take it on faith and respect that the rule exists even if only "Because God said so."

1 comment:

Allison Hamaker said...

I agree that this is a good reason. I trust God to know the truth and to love me, so why not? I'm glad you've come to that place of trust too. It's a happy, peaceful life to understand that God's ways are not man's ways, and that how we solve problems or see social issues is not necessarily the best way. The closer to God I can be, the better my life gets. -A