Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Cycles in Mortal (and Eternal?) Life

The semester is winding down. I had the first of my final exams this morning. I've got another one the day after tomorrow. The last day of work is shortly after that. And then I just have some applications to submit, some errands to run, and some preparations to make, to get me ready for the Summer Break and the Fall Semester.

Once again, I've come to the end of a cycle. One time period ends, and another is about to begin. The Endgame is over, but there are more MCU films on the horizon. We're wrapping up one D&D campaign and planning another. It's nighttime as I write this, but tomorrow is right around the corner.

This must happen near-constantly, I imagine. Ends and beginnings flow into each other, as each phase ends with the question "What comes next?" I wonder if it will be like this for the rest of eternity. We know that we will live forever, but will it feel like an infinitely long day, or will it feel like an infinitely long series of days, kind of like how mortal life feels.

Life exists in cycles, and every end of one cycle is the beginning of another. I can imagine that pattern continuing forever. I don't know for sure that's what life will be like in heaven, but it's certainly the way things are now, and I'm sure there's a lesson to learn from that, even if we stop cycling through cycles in the eternities. I can imagine life going on forever in the afterlife, but it's a lot easier to imagine it as an infinite series of cycles.

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