Thursday, March 6, 2014

Birds on The Wires - Music from Nature

I found a link to this short, but beautiful piece of music on Facebook. I find it very soothing and inspiring. This music puts me in the kind of mood where I can feel the spirit. Though, if I may be hyper-critical of an already-excellent piece of musical art, I feel like it could use another chord or two at the end, though maybe that hanging ending was intentional. It leaves our hearts open, wanting to hear more. Then, perhaps, we may hear the voice of the spirit.

The story behind this piece is that Jarbas Angelli was reading the newspaper, saw a picture of birds sitting on telephone or electrical wires, and decided to play what he saw, "just curious to hear what melody the birds were creating." I love the credits at about 1:05:

Arrange and orchestration by Jarbas Agnelli
Photo by Paulo Pinto
Music by Birds

This isn't the first time that nature has inspired good music and other forms of art. I don't know whether it's the design of the Creator that put music into His design or whether it's the Spirit that we feel when we observe nature that puts into our hearts music that resembles nature. Either way, there's an awful lot of beauty in nature, and not all of it is visible at first glance. Sometimes it takes creativity, ingenuity, and inspiration of the spirit to unlock the beauty hidden in nature, but it's there. And when something this beautiful comes out of something that seems random, I can't help thinking that God had a hand in it.

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