Thursday, June 21, 2018

Essential Upkeep

It has occurred to me that, in making my commitment to blog daily, I have set an unusually high bar for myself. In order to share some spiritual insight on my blog each day, I need to have an average of at least one spiritual insight per day. That is, I need to have or be inspired with a blogworthy thought at least once each day, on average.

That doesn't always happen. Of course, that's largely my fault. My scripture study has been plodding and inconsistent, and I don't always devote thought to looking for spiritual analogies in my daily life, though such analogies often find me anyway. When I started my blog, I planned on watching/reading/listening to at least one General Conference talk per day, and I haven't been doing that, either. The main reason I haven't been getting as much inspiration as I'd like is because I haven't been devoting enough time to searching for it.

And it doesn't help that neither of my D&D games contained many good ethical quandaries. Sure, I could blog about the need to exercise wisdom when potentially performing a noble self-sacrifice or about the importance to step in and break up arguments between friends, but neither of those ideas really struck me as being blogworthy. They might be blogable, but they're not blogworthy.

I'd like to have more thoughts that are definitely blogworthy. But to do that, I will have to spend more time studying the gospel, and of course, the main question becomes "When?". First thing in the morning would be easiest, but since it's Summer, the mornings are really the only time I can do yardwork. Of course, I could study at some later time, but I would then have to pick a specific time and then commit to studying the gospel then, and hopefully remember to.

Setting aside time to study the gospel regularly is surprisingly difficult, but it's one of the few ways to regularly receive inspiration, and for someone who maintains a daily spiritual blog or would just like to have more inspiration in his or her life, it's essential.

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