Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Priesthood, the Plagues, and the Lesson Plan

For my lesson, I will begin by testing / refreshing my class's memory of what (or rather, whom) we learned about last time: Moses. I might remind them about the circumstances of his birth, and I'll definitely remind them of his calling to free and lead the Israelites. To fulfill that calling, he would need to use a special power, the Priesthood, which he got from his father-in-law, Jethro. Hopefully, they should have learned all of that last time, but it was two weeks ago and I was asked to help in another classroom, so I doubt that the kids will remember all that, especially since I'm not 100% sure they were taught all of that in the first place.

After explaining that Moses had gotten the Priesthood from Jethro, I'll ask my class what the Priesthood is normally used for. Then, after getting some normal answers, I might ask what else the Priesthood might be used for, which is a questions whose answers may include just about anything, including the ten plagues of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and the transformation of sticks into snakes (manna is actually part of next week's lesson). I'll also make sure to point out that the blessings we receive are usually based on our needs. If we don't need a plague of locusts, God probably isn't going to send us one, even if we ask for it, but through the Priesthood, we can request and receive the miracles we need.

At some point, I'll have to mention that one thing that we can't do with the Priesthood or with any other power is take away another person's agency. God might have been technically capable of literally forcing Pharaoh to change his mind, but that's not what God does. God lets us make our own decisions, even when those decisions cause trouble for us and for everyone around us.

Ultimately, I'd like to leave my students with a fresh understanding of God's power, how His omnipotence means not only an infinite amount of power but also an infinite variety of powers. Apart from a few paradoxes and lines that He chooses not to cross, God can do just about anything. And as long as we're on His side, miracles will happen for our benefit. I'll teach the kids that they have an almighty Heavenly Father watching out for them, and He will lead them to the Promised Land if they are wise enough to follow Him.

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