Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

Dear Home,

The computer I'm on will only let me stay on for another 9 minutes. Man, I dislike this library! But the library I would be using is closed, so I've got to take what I can get. I don't have a lot to report anyway.

In fact... I can't think of anything to report! =S Give me a minute. I'll try to think of something...
Elder Brown is from a town in California within an hour of Sacramento. Supposedly, he plans on attending my homecoming Sacrament Meeting, but we'll have to see about that. He goes home two transfers (3 months) before me. Last transfer, he and Elder Sparks were serving in the Kingsmere area, which covers part of the Wildwood ward. Now he's serving in Oakwood area with me, and Elder Sparks is serving in Reid Road with Elder Bennett, and Reid Road and Oakwood each cover half of the Wanuskewin ward, so Elder Brown and his former companion still see each other pretty often.

Less than 60 seconds left. I'll be back in about half an hour. 'Till then!

-Elder Andrew Robarts

tick tick tick tick........

Dear Home,
....And we're back! =D I had computer problems for 5 minutes there because I was trying to log in on the wrong computer, but everything's all better now. =)

Now, where was I? Oh yeah! I was about to tell you about the new Kingsmere area.

As I told you earlier, both Elder Brown and Elder Sparks were moved out of Kingsmere area and sent here. But wait 'till I tell you who moved in! Elder Kelly, my MTC companion, and Elder Orton, around whom I served in my first transfer (The MTC doesn't count as a 'transfer' because it's so short). They're both a lot of fun. They call us every once in a while to get information about their new area from Elder Brown. What's so-and-so's phone number? Who's a good member to take to our appointment with what's-her-name? Stuff like that.

And just like that, my time is up. =( I don't like these computers that force you to stay within an hour. That's not even a rule for us anymore! =( I guess it's still a rule here. =/

Anyhow, I have to go. Thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll have a better post for you next week.

Your richly blessed missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts


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