Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

Dear Home,

The Olympics are well underway, but I don't really want to talk about that right now. (Some missionaries are being overly prideful and telling me that I need to be more patriotic. Go Canada!)

 I'll tell you something amazing I saw in the ward yesterday. Most people, when they see someone they don't know at church, wonder inside themselves 'Who is this person? Are they new here, or should I already know who they are? I hope somebody talks to them. Maybe then I'll be able to catch their name.' And they leave it at that. But Yesterday, I saw something that I've never seen before. One of the members that I really look up to saw someone that he didn't know and did exactly what I now think all of us should do. He excitedly said "New Face!", stood up, shook the newcomers hand, and began to introduce himself and ask his new friend about his life. I was very impressed. And because of this member's excellent example, I now know that Brother Taylor is a recently married student that moved into our ward when he and his new wife tied the knot. I'm grateful for that. I'm especially grateful that this remarkable member reached out and warmly greeted someone who might otherwise not have even heard the word 'hello'. I hope I can be that kind of member when I go home.

 But until I Email you again, I have a special request, and this goes out to everyone: Tell me how you've been doing. Seriously, I haven't heard a word about life from anyone except Sariah lately and it's starting to make me feel like I'm out of the loop. I especially would like to get descriptive Emails from you (mom) and Ben, even though I know you're busy. Just send me what you can, please. Thank you very much. ^^
Love, your kind-of-tired-of-standing-for-so-long-and-wishing-this-computer-station-had-a-chair missionary,
Elder Andrew Robarts
PS, I don't know how I forgot to tell you that IT'S TRANSFER WEEK!!! -PANIC-
Okay, don't panic. It's not really THAT big a deal. It just means that you should probably hold your postage (if you mail to his apartment) until next week. And by the way, I feel like I'm probably getting transferred, so you can likely look forward to getting a new address from me next week. THANKS FOR WRITING ME!!! ^^

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