Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bonus Post: I Blog For Myself

It occurs to me that most of my blog posts end up talking about things we should be doing, or at least should be doing better. That's because those are the messages that I need most frequently, so those are the messages I usually find when I look for things to share on my blog. I have frequently said, and I'll say it now just in case anyone's wondering, that I blog for my own benefit rather than other people's. If my readers find something inspiring in what I write, that's wonderful. But if my blog posts consist mostly of calls to repentance, that's because I need to repent, not because I think any of you do. Well, actually, we all do, but blessing the masses with my goodness and wisdom, if I have any of either, is not why I blog.

Sometimes I have an insight that I share for others' benefit, but mostly, this blog is for me. I write here the things that I want to remember. So please don't take it personally if I blog about things we should be doing more or better. I'm just talking to myself, trying to talk myself into being a better person than I am.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

And so much of what you are working on is stuff I need to work on as well. Your blog helps me.