Sunday, December 28, 2014

Blessings Not On My Wish List

I don't recall exactly what's on my wish list, I should probably update it now anyway, but I recall getting a number of awesome gifts that weren't on the list of things I want - they were even better.

We don't always know what we really want. God knows us better than we know ourselves, and sometimes, He gives us blessings that we didn't ask for, occasionally at the expense of blessings we did ask for. God always wants what's best for us, so He often gives us the blessings we really need, the ones that will truly make us happy, whether those were the blessings we asked for or not. At times, those gifts He gives us are blessings in disguise. God may give us a few things that we really don't want, because He knows what will work out best for us in the long run.

I'm grateful for family members who know me well enough to find and make things that I really love, whether I expressly say that I'd love them or not. I'm grateful for a Father who loves me enough to give me the blessings I need, or would contribute most to my happiness, whether they're the blessings I prayed for or not. I don't always know what's best for me or what gifts I would really like to receive, so I'm grateful to have people in my life that do know, and I'm grateful for the excellent gifts they gave me - even the ones that weren't on my wish list.

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