Monday, September 12, 2016

Read About Jesus to Think About Jesus

One Sunday, a rambunctious Primary child, in frustration, exclaimed "Sometimes—sometimes—it’s just hard for me to think about Jesus!" This child is not alone in having a hard time focussing on the Savior. We promise, weekly, to "always remember Him," but I'm not sure we can. Even on Sundays, the day specifically set apart for worshipping the Lord, we sometimes find it difficult to concentrate on Jesus Christ.

Fortunately, Bishop W. Christopher Waddell, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, gave a talk in which he listed three things we can do to help us think about Jesus. Without rehashing his entire talk, those three steps basically boil down to reading the scriptures, especially those that teach about Jesus, and following His example.

Naturally, following Jesus' example is easier said than done. In fact, it's a process that takes longer than a lifetime. We can try to follow His example, and in some cases, we can partially succeed, but I find the rest of Bishop Waddell's advice far more practical.

It's not hard to read or at least listen to the scriptures. Through technology, we can have the scriptures read to us while we're doing other things. Listening to the words of Christ is not only possible; it's practically convenient. Plus, I think it'll work.

The more we read or at least hear about Jesus, the more He'll be on our minds. Reading about His life and His teachings will help us get to know Him as a person. And the thoughts that we have while we read or listen to the scriptures can carry with us for at least a few minutes afterward, and may come to mind again later on. If we make a habit of spending some time in the scriptures, even if we also do other things at the same time, spiritual thoughts, including thoughts about Jesus, will come to mind far more easily.

It will still occasionally be difficult to think about Jesus. This world has many distractions, and some of them are highly effective. Still, despite the many other thoughts that could occupy our minds, e can think about Jesus frequently, if not constantly, and we can start by, at least occasionally, turning to the sacred books that contain His words.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I need to do better about reading/listening and REALLY reading/listening not just looking at or letting words wash over me.

Also, I give myself reminders. I try to turn around the things around me. All too often we hear people take the Lord's name in vain. I am try to remember (and am getting better)to turn on a hymn when ever I hear that. OMG said completely or just the letters usually triggers "How Great Thou Art" "O Lord, my God...." I haven't settled on my best Jesus song yet.

I drink a lot of water. I am trying to remember to associate water with Jesus, the Living Water and source of life.

When I start to feel down (particularly on myself) I am learning to recite the Young Women's theme, slightly varied. "I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me and I love Him. I will stand...."

When I feel to complain about something, I TRY to remember to count my blessings instead - especially related ones.

I forget too often, but these help me get back on track - which I need frequently throughout the day!