Friday, September 9, 2016

Why Do We Fast?

The lesson I'm giving day after tomorrow is about Fasting, and it starts with the question, "Why Do We Fast?" There are several reasons. As I thought about it yesterday, I came up with about half a dozen reasons off the top of my head.

One reason is to be obedient. As Latter-Day Saints, we've been commanded to fast periodically, if we are able. We fast each Fast Sunday partly because we're supposed to. But by no means is that the only or most important reason.

We also fast for our health. Fasting every so often allows the body a chance to refresh itself. Some say that fasting also improves some cognitive functions. But again, that's not the real reason we fast.

We fast to secure blessings, both for ourselves and for others. Fasting increases the spiritual power of prayer because "sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven." When we fast, we show God how badly we want the blessings we're praying for, and God often responds favorably to our requests.

When we fast, we also donate money to the poor and needy in the form of Fast Offerings. This extends blessings directly to those who need them, and earns us a few brownie points with the God whom we're petitioning for blessings.

Those last two may be the best reasons for fasting, but my favorite reason to fast is to practice resisting temptation. Fasting allows us to exercise self-control in a way that doesn't put our souls at risk if we fail. It's a safe way to stretch the spiritual muscles we use to fight off temptations.

I'm sure there are other reasons, but securing blessings, blessing the poor, and practising resisting temptation are the three most important reasons, in my opinion, and they'll probably give me enough material to fill the 30-45 minutes I'll have for my lesson. I'll also look through the scriptures referenced in the manual for other information to share about fasting. Perhaps I'll share some insights from that here, like I did a few days ago. Hopefully, this time, I'll remember to print up the blog post and bring it with me when I go to teach the lesson.

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