Thursday, November 10, 2016

Healing Over Time

I have a few more points from Elder Cornish's talk that I could blog about, but I feel like I've spent enough time on him, and I should probably move on for now. I also have other things on my mind right now, which things I definitely do not want to blog about. So, for tonight, I'm going to blog about something easy: Magic. Specifically, healing magic.

Most games that involve taking damage also include ways to heal that damage. Often, that healing is instantaneous. You drink a potion or cast a healing spell, and your health is restored immediately. But in the real world, healing isn't like that. Real healing takes time. Whether our wounds are physical, emotional, or psychological, it will take time to recover from them. Even spiritual healing takes time.

Granted, some forms of spiritual healing can take place rather quickly. For instance, when God forgives our sins, that forgiveness takes place instantaneously, though changing our sinful behavior may take months or years. Also, some games have abilities that allow players to heal gradually, but even with Healing over Time abilities, the healing that takes place in games happens much faster than healing in real life.

In real life, as in some games, we must be patient and wise as we heal. We must be careful to make sure we don't continually reopen wounds that are trying to heal or take on more than we can handle while we're healing.  You may have a healing spell that will eventually restore you to full health, but in the meantime, you'll still be low on Health Points for a while, so you should still be cautious.

Likewise, we should be careful to not re-damage healing relationships, to be wary of the temptation to commit the sins of which we are currently repenting, and to be patient as we wait for our various wounds to heal.

However, the good news is that even though most healing takes time, healing also comes in time. As time passes from the moment the injury took place, to the future, the wounds that we've received will heal, as long as we don't continually reopen them. You may be hurt now, but, in time, you will grow strong again. And when you do, you will become stronger from the experience.

It is somewhat unfortunate that healing usually takes time, but it is wonderful that with time comes healing. No matter how badly hurt we are, we won't stay hurt forever. God is working His magic, and we will heal over time.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Good thoughts! Good advice. Thank you