Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"If I Die Tonight..."

This afternoon, an elderly lady handed me a card which reads "'If I die tonight, my soul will be in H__________ tomorrow morning!' If you are not sure, visit the website on the other side of this card!" I have no intentions of visiting the website on the back of the card, but I thought that the question raised by the card was worth considering. How sure am I that I would go to heaven if I were to die right now?

Before having heard Elder Cornish's talk, I don't think I would have been sure at all, and even now, I'm not completely sure. Everyone sins occasionally, and I try to repent continually, which should answer the "will I make it" question, but I can't say whether or not I rationalize or rebel. Doing either of those things could be a deal-breaker, and I'm not 100% sure how those terms are defined. Elder Cornish never made it clear. But from what I gathered, rationalization and rebellion basically both mean saying "I don't need to keep trying to get better." As long as we acknowledge our need for spiritual improvement, and keep trying to act on that need, we should be alright.

It's hard to imagine getting into heaven being that easy. All we have to do is keep trying, and not claim that we don't have to keep trying? It seems too good to be true. But, if I'm interpreting Elder Cornish's message correctly, it is true, and we can be certain of entering the Celestial Kingdom as long as we're pointed in that direction. That kind of confidence is something we should all strive for. Even in this world of uncertainty, God's laws are constant, and if we obey them, the outcome is sure. We can become sure that we will go to heaven when we die, and we don't have to visit to gain that surety.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

We will be assigned to the degree of glory for which we have prepared. Which may not bode well for me. Except. I think "degree of glory" means "level of heaven." I DO think and am pretty sure you are celestial material, but I absolutely know you are heavenly material. You are no ways outer darkness material.

I was thinking that for many people the paradise side of the spirit world is going to be very much what they expect heaven to be from the ideas of many others in the world. Imagine their surprise when they see how much better it can be and how much more they can achieve.