Monday, May 22, 2017

Born Into This Family

Twice today, I was treated to a meal by a member of my family, and each time, that family member thanked God that I was born into their family. I, too, am grateful that I was born into the family I have, and not because I doubt I'd have been born otherwise. I'm sure that God gives each of His spirit children an opportunity to be born. If I wasn't born into this family, I would have been born into a different family. But that's just the problem: I would have been born into a different family, and what are the odds that I'd like that family as much as I like this one?

I pondered that question over dinner, wondering 'If I had a different family, would I like them as much as I like the family I have now?' Eventually, I concluded that the question is pointless, since I clearly wasn't born into a different family, and it's difficult to determine what might have been, but I'm still glad I thought about that question because it gave me an opportunity to realise how good my family is.

My family loves me. We don't suffer from poverty. We have the gospel. We basically have everything we need to be happy. And we don't have any of the major problems that could rob us of our happiness. We don't have any issues with substance abuse. None of us abuse or are abused by anybody else. Even with just those three factors considered: Being born into the gospel, not having any abuse-related problems, and having more than enough money to get by, I'm lucky to have been born into a family this good.

If my parents had stopped having kids before they had me, I'm confident that I would have been born into a different family, and I'm glad that didn't happen. I am very happy with the family I have. Is our family perfect? Not really. Every family has its problems. But this is the best family I've got, and I wouldn't trade them for any other family in the world. I'm glad that they're grateful I was born into their family. I'm grateful for that, too.

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