Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Once, when I was asked to describe myself in one word, I couldn't choose a word, so I ultimately replied "Indecisive." I have demonstrated that trait several times tonight including when I tried to figure out what to blog about. Unfortunately for me, indecision is actually a fairly serious fault. One of the reasons we came to earth is to learn how to make good decisions, and it can be difficult to make good decisions when one struggles to make decisions at all. I should practice being more assertive and making more firm decisions on a regular basis rather than just going with the flow. I should fight my indecision by determining what I should set as my goals and what I can do to help me accomplish those goals. This blog can be a great tool for me, but I often end up wasting my opportunities to use it because I can't decide what to do with it. I should try figure out what I want to do with this blog and with myself so I can actually start doing those things. This blog can be a tool for introspection and self-improvement. It can be a study help. It can be a soapbox. Or it can be a place where I regularly spend hours trying to decide what I want it to be that evening. The same thing goes for me. I can be anything I want to be - as soon as I figure out what that is. But that's the problem: I don't know what I want to be. I don't know what I want. For now, all I can say is that I know that I want to stop being so indecisive.

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