Thursday, August 9, 2018

I Need a Morning Routine

My mornings for the last few months haven't been the greatest. There hasn't been anything particularly wrong about them, but there hasn't been much good about many of them either. The problem largely stems from their lack of direction. My mornings are okay except that I don't really do anything with them. I feel the need to establish some kind of morning routine, something that involves at least some of the elements of a missionary's daily morning routine, and would hopefully lead naturally to blogging some time before noon. It should involve such things as studying the gospel in one way or another, engaging in some kind of exercise, and managing my basic hygiene, not necessarily in that order. However I do it, I should try to develop habits that get me to start the day right. Mornings are an important part of day. I should develop habits that help me make the most of them.

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