Ephesians 6: 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Ask an Elder - August 31, 2009
1) Are you a Zion companionship or a Babylon companionship?(According to our missionaries at dinner on a recent Sunday, a Zion companionship/apartment shares food and food costs whereas a Babylon companionship is every man for himself. Most of the missionaries in our area? district? mission? are Zion. My guess is you are Zion as well (remembering the cereal shopping incident)
2) Do you get the New Era?
3) Have you met any nice dogs?
4) Tell us all about Zone Conference!
Did Elder George get a headache? Did you?(Sorry I didn't have a package for you! who did?)
5) Is there a regular schedule for Zone Conference? Can you tell us when the next one will be?
Dear Home,
I have very little time left, but I'm making plans to improve my time-management skills. We'll see how it goes.
We're a Zion Companionship. Every companionship I've been in so far is that way. ^^ It's a good system, I think. =)
No, no New Era. Just the Ensign. But if we got the New Era as well as the Ensign, we wouldn't have any time left for anything else! =O
Nice dogs? How do you mean? Most dogs aren't vicious. I've only met one or two that I felt uncomfortable being around, but many dogs are /too/ nice.I love you! Pet me! Let me rub my nose on your dry-clean only pants!But it's not that bad. If you start petting them, they'll usually put their head wherever you put your hand. =)
Zone Conference was amazing! Lots of good stuff! No time to talk about it all, though. =/
Yes, I think Elder George /did/ get a headache. But I didn't. Mostly I just try and take good notes so it can all soak in slowly. Otherwise a lot of it goes over my head and is forgotten. =(
Sariah sent me a wonderful package with LOTS of pictures in it! Thank you so much!I also got a very generous package from Kristine, who sent me over 600 grams of candy, and a toothbrush. That couldn't have been cheap!They will both receive ink-and-paper thanks and replies, along with anyone who sends me things in the mail. (The only question is when I'll have time to reply to everyone in my inbox. D=)
Zone Conferences are usually mid-transfer. I don't think there's a regular schedule, though.
Time's up. I love you! -hugs everyone- -hugs Mom again-
Your late-as-usual missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts
PS Poll: What animal is in my backyard right now?
Hints: It's one of my favorites. I'm not talking about horses or the ever-abundant seagulls, though they're there, too.
Have fun guessing! =D
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ask an Elder - Aug 24, 2009
Good plan for getting birthday gift ideas! How's it going?
Are you shoes comfortable? How are your feet doing?
Is it getting to be time to think about shopping for winter things?
Gift ideas, not so well. I'll probably just have to be extra nice to him or something.
My shoes are great and my feet are doing fine. ^^ I had gotten another blister, but it's healed now. =)
The winter gear will have to be taken care of probably later this transfer or sometime next transfer. The other missionaries have been really helpful in letting me know what to get and where to get it. ^^
So far, the weather has been wonderful. Occasional rain showers, but the sunsets are always magnificent. ^^ I love it here (during the summer).
August 24, 2009
First order of business, the poll results. I'm sure you're all anxious to here what the answer was, so I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that Miriam and one other person (I don't know who. xD) guessed correctly. I found a $10 bill lying on the ground while tracting a week or so ago. Pretty impressive, eh? xD Of course, it was all luck, but it was a surprising and nice experience. ^^
In other news, the ban on EFY music has been lifted. Apparently 'no EFY' was a Law of Moses type rule, just a temporary thing to get people thinking about what they should be listening to and what they shouldn't. There are some EFY songs that I wouldn't play in Sacrament Meeting, but I'm glad the ban was lifted, because there are many EFY songs that are not only sacrament appropriate, they're also very inspiring and uplifting, especially for missionaries.
And when we're not humming or singing sacrament-appropriate songs (or doing any of the other million things missionaries do on a daily basis), we read from the Ensign. The Ensign is a WONDERFUL magazine. Very inspiring, Very uplifting, but also Very consuming. With our busy schedules, we often don't have time to flip wanderingly through the wells of inspired words, but we often find ourselves doing just that. Ensigns are wonderful, but they're addicting. If you have extra time on your hands, I'd suggest getting into them. If not... Read them wisely, but still read them. They're REALLY good.
I've got a question. (Sorry I'm all over today. I usually have my thoughts more organised than this.) What's the population of Sacramento? People occasionally ask me that question after they ask me 'Where are you from?' and 'What part of California?', and the only answer I've been able to give them is 'a few million'. Not the most precise answer they could hope for. Also, is it true that there are more people in California than in Canada? I've heard rumors, but it sounds a little far-fetched.
Zone Conference is this Friday! I'm so excited. ^^ Not only am I expecting a package, but Zone Conferences are always EXTREMELY inspiring. E. George says that he always has headaches afterwards. I'm sure Ben would be on an over-the-top spiritual high afterwards if he went to one. They're unbelievably good. ^^
Ummm, I think that's all I have right now, And I've got to go anyway.
I love you all! Thanks for being there for me! ^^ ((Hugs everyone)) (( Hugs Mom again. ))
Love, your slightly overtime missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts.
The answer to his population question:
Population, 2008 estimate Sacramento County 1,394,154 California 36,756,666
Sacramento City Population, 2006 estimate 453,781
Wikipedea says the population of Canada in 2009 - 33,753,000
The 2006 census figure for Saskatoon is 233,923 a bit more than half the size of Sacramento.
Wiinipeg is bigger at 694,668
Prince Albert's population in 2006 was 34,138
If these numbers are correct, yes there are more Californians than Canadians. Amazing!
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 17, 2008
1) Who is your new companion and what is he like?
2) Do you ever get to see the local sights on P day?
3) If a member asked you what you would like for dinner, what would you say?
4) Do you like or dislike getting "interesting" news items? (This is from me - Mom, Barbara, whoever - because I am rather boring, so I fill in my letters to Elder Robarts with interesting news items like the 7 year old kid stealing the family car to avoid church or the little dogs running off a cougar.)
Dear Home,
There have been a few big changes around here in PA. Nothing huge, like the last time I told you there were big changes, but still, things have been a bit different since Elder Taylor left.
First of all, I have a new companion. His name is Elder George; he's from Roy, Utah, and his 20th birthday is coming up this transfer (He refuses to tell me what he would like for a birthday present, but I have a strategy for getting around that problem. =P). He's shorter than I am (wishes he were taller) and wears contacts. He wants to be a conservation officer, partly because he loves nature (He was a Boy Scout! ^^), and partly because he thinks it'd be exciting to be a cop.
Another change is that we're walking rather than driving a car. This is the first time either of us have served in a walking/busing area, so it's a new and exciting experience for each of us. The good thing about walking is that we get more time to talk to each other, which helps us get to know each other better and be more unified, which is a very good thing. It also gives us time to ask each other personality questions, like 'what's your favorite candy bar?', 'What's your favorite predatory animal?', and 'what kind of aircraft would you choose to be and why?'. This means that by asking him what kinds of things he likes (seeming to be asking about his personality), I can try to figure out something to give him for his birthday. =D
Change number three: I am no longer serving with a District Leader, which means that rather than recieving calls from other companionships, we simply call the District Leader, Elder Butterfield.
(Each night, companionships call in to their District Leader, reporting on how their day was, how they're doing at accomplishing their goals, how their investigators are progressing, and so on. The District leaders then use that information to provide the companionships with praise, encouragement, advice, or whatever else is needed. It's a good system, even if it does take some time to describe. =P)
I think that's it for changes. On to the next question. xD
Do we see the sights on P-Day? Short answer: No. Medium answer: No, we don't have time. Long answer: No. It'd be really nice to (especially with some of the nice places in PA), but there are too many other things to do, so we don't really have time. =/
If a member asked me what I would like for dinner, I would probably say pizza. ^^ Chinese food is nice, but not when it's too authentic, and I'm not sure if these non-Robarts would know what I meant by 'Chinese'.
(This question probably only applies to you, Mom, but I don't care whether you post it or not.) Interesting news is nice. ^^ I love getting frequent letters from you (but shudder when I think of how much postage it's costing you). No matter what you send me, I'll love it. If it's a strict like-or-dislike question, I like it, but my opinion on interesting news isn't very strong. I just know that I like getting mail. xD
Now that the questions are done, I would like to share a story about what happened last week. Since Elder George and I had to wait for Elder Butterfield and Elder Clarine (a greenie) to finish shopping, I decided (which E. George's permission), to look at the side of the store that reminds me of Winco. They had the kind of shopping thing where you scoop stuff into plastic bags and pay for it based on how much it weighs (I hope you know what I mean). Anyway, I saw some chocolate covered pretzels, and they looked relatively cheap, so I decided to buy myself some. When I got to the checkout stand, I realised that I had made a mistake. The pretzels cost $1 per 100 grams, so I measured myself what I thought was a dolars worth, and then went to the checkout, but the scale I measured with measured weight in kilograms, so by accidentally thinking that the decimal point was one space over than it actually was, I ended up spending ten times as much as I thought I would. But that's okay. They were REALLY good pretzels, and I still have some. ^^ Besides, we're on Earth to learn from our experiences anyway, so by making that mistake, I was just fulfilling the measure of my creation. XD
(( Note to Mom: I may have changed my mind about wanting chocolate-covered things, though. They're tasty, but I'm not sure they're worth the cost. I'd still like Motab CDs, though, so that part of my wishlist hasn't changed. ))
So the moral of the story is to always remember, Kilo means 1000, not 100. Not that many of you need to worry about that. I just thought I'd tell you anyway. =P
-hugs everyone- -hugs Mom again ^^- I love you! Be good! Stay close to the Lord!
Your Wiser-Than-Before Missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts
PS, in the 4 minutes I have left, I'll tell you that we've been finding a LOT of money on the ground this transfer. Mostly pennies, but a few silvery coins as well. Let's see if any of you can guess what the largest single piece of currency I've found this transfer is. $1, $2, $5, $10, or $20?
You can play along with Elder Robarts by taking the poll in the upper left hand corner of the blog. ; )
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Pictures from Elder Robarts
He loved the mountains they could see from the MTC.

On the back of this one, he wrote "Dear Home..."

On this one, he wrote:
"St. Charles Saskatoon
Find this place
Turn around
2 door on the right
Door on the left
1st door on the left
Welcome to St. Charles"

The place of the picnic.

The view from the balcony, Prince Albert apartment.

"the benefit of big skies"

Kevin Porter's baptism July 4, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009
Ask an Elder - August 10, 2009
1) What does "transfers are tonight" mean? Do you find out about transfers or actually move?
2) Some of us do not speak missionary. What are zone, area, district, etc.?
3) How is Elder Taylor's grandmother?
4) What do consider your best quality as a missionary?
5) What do you like best about your apartment?
Dear Home,
I'm sorry for confusing you all.The Canada Winnipeg Mission is split into 5 zones: Saskatoon, Brandon, Regina, Winnipeg West, and Winnipeg South. Some of those Zones include multiple cities. Eg. Prince Albert is in the Saskatoon Zone.
Each Zone is split into multiple Districts (I think the number of districts varies), and each District covers 2 or more Areas. There is one companionship per Area.
Last transfer (6 week period), I served in the Prince Albert Area of the Prince Albert District of the Saskatoon Zone. My first transfer, I served in the St Charles Area of the Saskatoon District of the Saskatoon Zone.
This transfer, I'm serving in the Prince Albert North area of the Prince Albert District of the Saksatoon Zone. Congrats to those who got it right, and I hope I didn't confuse you more.
This means that I'm not moving, but the Area I was serving in was split in half to become 2
areas, North and South. It's exciting to see that there are now 4 Elders in PA, but it makes things a little more difficult for my companion and I since a lot of our good investigators whom I enjoyed teaching now live outside of our area. Also, Elder Taylor moved, leaving me in Prince Albert with three missionaries that know nothing about the area. Hopefully I'll be able to share some useful information with them, but I feel like I don't know this area (especially the members!) nearly well enough. Though, God willing, this area will be served well.
Elder Taylor's grandmother has passed away. He seems to have taken the bad news well, though it may be that his true emotions were too personal to share with me. I'm sure he has prayed for peace and comfort, and I'm sure the Lord has or will answer his prayers. He's a good missionary. I know that God will bless him and his family for his service.
It feels weird to answer this question in the order it came, but I don't have time to rearange it. I feel like my best quality as a missionary is hope. Sometimes I stress out because I'm not perfect, but I know that God doesn't expect me to be perfect. He just wants me to do my best. And if I can promise that, God will be pleased with me and my service. One thing I've learned from those wiser than me: God is easy to please, but hard to satisfy. God can't be satisfied with anything less than perfection. We need to continually improve until we are completely perfect, but God is still pleased with the little things that we manage to do well. That's comforting. =)
We have a really good apartment. The best thing about it may be that it has it's own laundry machines. Now we can do laundry just about any time we want, without taking time away from the lord's work.
Almost forgot. When I said Transfers are Tonight, I meant that that was the night when we would get the call saying whether we stay or whither we go. If we go, we pack and travel the day after we get the call. Then we travel until we get there, and immediately go to work.
Times up, but I have another note or two to add. St Charles Area is un-closed and now has Sister Missionaries serving in it. The fair has moved on, having only stayed a week. The horses stayed a bit longer (I have no idea why. No Races) but now they're gone too.
I love you and I love serving the Lord. Thanks for your letters, Emails and prayers. If you've sent me a letter or package, expect a reply (eventually).
Your busy missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts. ^^
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Ask An Elder 2009/08/04
1) When is transfer? When should we send mail to the apartment and when to the mission home?
2) What's happening at the fair in your backyard?
3) What is a typical day like?
4) Does Elder Taylor snore?
From: Andrew Robarts <ElderRobarts@myldsmail.net>
Date: Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Ask An Elder
To: motherof8robarts@gmail.com
Time is extremely short today!
Yesterday was P-day, but since it was province day, the library was
close, so we have to fit our emails into today's lunch hour. We have
about 20 minutes left.
Another piece of big news, I forgot to tell you last week that
transfers are TONIGHT! Next time I'll give you a week's notice,
Poll: Will I stay in the Saskatoon zone, or will I leave it? I've been
within this zone for two transfers now. Doe that mean change is
unlikely, or that the time for change is coming soon? The answer will
come next week.
The fair has been wonderful. It's over now, but there were horse races
in our backyard during both lunch and dinner. Fun to watch. Lots of
pictures. Most pictures no good.
A typical day in the life of a missionary is BUSY. Especially P-Days.
Every morning we awake at 630, exercise (not on Sunday), shower, get
dressed, eat breakfast, study for two hours then go our the door @ 10.
we then do as much good as we can throughout the day, taking 2 one-hour
breaks for meals. At 6, the work resumes, proselyting as much as
possible. 830, we make phone calls, trying to set appointments and get
members to come to them. 900 plan next day (30 min). Then we write in
our journals and prepare for bed. 1030 Sleep.
Elder Taylor does not snore. He's been sleeping on the floor because
the mattresses hurt his back. Says hes more comfortable this way.
I am doing well. I'm feeling slightly stressed, mostly inadequate, but
very strongly supported by the Lord. Our day is going well. Met with
the Bishop. He's pleased with the success we've been having. ^^ On
P-Day we clean everything: our clothes, the car, the apartment. We also
shop and Email home. I spend all my time writing letters. E Taylor
naps. E Taylor & I get along well. He's sarcastic, but he genuinely
wants to be a good companion. I try to return the favor, but his good
cooking is beyond my ability to repay! The people we meet are usually
pretty nice (though they're occasionally not all there because of
drinking). Most are uninterested, but the others make all our work
worthwhile. =) Canada's great! They could use another national color,
though. =P And maybe one less national language. No one speaks french
here anyway. =P Interesting food: Procter Place Special, a missionary
invention. Make tomato soup and cook ramen noodles separately. strain
noodles, mix into soup. Add flavor packets. Mix and serve warm. Wear a
T shirt so you don't stain your regular clothes.
Out of time! Love you all! -hugs everyone- -hugs Mom again-
Love, your slow-tying Missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts