Saturday, February 21, 2015

Prophet Lesson Outline

As I started to try to form a lesson plan, it became clear that the lesson would turn into a discussion on why we do and do not need prophets. Of course, we need prophets because they share God's word for us. Then again, we don't really need prophets because we could receive God's words through the scriptures and through personal revelation. Then again, we'd be foolish to shut ourselves off from any source of guidance from God, and since the messages He shares through His prophets apply to everyone, that means we need to listen, too. However, since the words of the prophets are generalized for everyone, we often need to look elsewhere to find counsel meant specifically for us.

Since it'd be pretty close to impossible to predict which points will come up at what times, it may make more sense for me to form two lists, one for why we need prophets and one for why we don't need prophets or why we need more than just prophets, and then, in my lesson, make sure at least most of those points get touched on at least once.

Prophets Reveal God's Word - Teach/Explain Doctrine
Modern Counsel for Modern Times
Prophets' Counsel is Clear, in Contrast to Personal Revelation
Their Messages are for Everyone - Including Us

Prophets Messages are Too General
Personal Revelation is Always Available and More Specific
We Shouldn't Rely on Prophets Exclusively - We Have Other Sources
If We Have Questions, We Can Double-Check (Or should that go in the other section?)

I'll also want to mention how following the prophets can sometimes be difficult and/or unpopular, but it's always the right thing to do. And that we can always trust that the prophets will never lead us astray. I can work on this more later to make a more comprehensive list, but I think I've got most of the main points down and that it'll certainly be enough to foster a decent discussion and fill all the time I'll have. It's going to be a good lesson. I thank God for His guidance and instruction in helping me prepare it.

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