Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Good Bad Day

Today, I am living proof that even a day that involves cleaning a filthy bathroom can be a good day if you have a good attitude and spend at least part of the day spending time with people you love. I had one or two strongly unfortunate moments today, but I had some really good moments, too. And I have my family to thank for that.

When you have a bad day, try to spend some time with family and/or good friends. They'll make the day much better. Or, when that's not possible, at least spend a moment or two talking with your Heavenly Father, who is both a family member and a good friend. Even if you have no one else to turn to, you can always turn to Him. So, when you have a bad day, reach out to the people who love you. They can turn your whole day around.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I admire your service ethic and your always-look-for-the-positive attitude. You are an amazing person.

Spending time with Heavenly Father should not be the back-up plan, of course. It should always be Plan 1 no matter who else you spend time with. And also the back up plan. How wonderful it is that He is always even when no one else can be. Pretty sure you meant that.