Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Today, I learned about how intrusive the devil can be. He doesn't just stand on our doorstep, waiting for us to invite him in. He comes in uninvited, by any means we leave open to him. He'll walk in the front door, if we let him, but if the doors are locked, he'll try the windows, and if the windows are barred, he'll try the chimney. He is relentless, and if we are not constantly on guard, he will find a way in. When that happens, what we need to do (after driving him out) is to find out how he got in, and then plug that hole. If we do that, our spiritual defences will gradually grow more secure. Ultimately, we may eventually improve our spiritual defences to the point where the enemy can't get in at all. But until then, we need to stay on our guard, knowing that, if there is even the smallest opening, the enemy will find it and break in.