Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Two Hands

Today, I mused on how the fact that we have two hands allows us to get one hand dirty while keeping the other hand clean. You could pet an animal or pull weeds with one hand and still eat or brush your teeth with the other hand. It may not be the safest thing you could do, but you could still do it safely.

However, our spirits don't work like that. We can't sin with one hand and expect the other hand to still be clean. If any part of us touches sin, our whole soul is tainted by it. God won't be fooled by clever tricks. He knows when any part of us is dirty, even when the rest of us looks clean. We can't sin with one hand and accept the blessings of the faithful with the other hand. If we want to receive such blessings, we had better keep both hands clean.


motherof8 said...

Good point!
Thankful that repentance let's us wash our hands.

Rozy Lass said...

What a great analogy (or whatever it could be called). Thanks for sharing.