Monday, November 13, 2017

Deadlines Before Departure

Today, I kept finding out about important deadlines that I have coming up just before or just after my trip. I knew I had to get my Philosophy exam rescheduled before I leave, but I also learned that I have a paper due the Monday after I get back, so I'll have to write that before I go, which means that I've got an errand I should run as soon as possible, and in case having to write an essay and take an exam in the same week wasn't already stressful enough, I was also reminded that my "priority registration appointment" to sign up for next semester's classes come up on the morning I leave for my trip. Maybe I'm a weakling who's not good at juggling due dates or managing time, but it feels like life is coming at me pretty fast right now.

The good news is that I don't have to tackle any of these tasks alone. I can get God's help with planning and dealing with all of these things. He can help me remember everything I should consider and deal with. I'm thankful that, no matter what life throws at us, we don't have to face it alone.

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