Friday, November 3, 2017

"Live With Honor; Die With Glory"

Another blog post inspired by a video-game-related Youtube video. Overwatch is another game that I don't play, but still follow for the animated ads, and tonight, it reminded me why. The creators of Overwatch have earned the attention of millions by making a top-quality game with an extensive and diverse cast of playable heroes and by advertising it with an ongoing series of incredible animated shorts. Their latest addition to this series is "Honor and Glory." It stars Reinhardt, a crusader whose motto is "Live with honor; die with glory." However, it could be argued that his personal motto was "Live for glory," but either way, his motto means something very different for me than for him.

Though it may sound strange out of context, especially to anyone who knows me, I am striving for glory. The difference is that the glory I seek is eternal, while the glory Reinhardt fought for was worldly. And Reinhardt sought glory by fighting, while I seek glory by trying to be righteous. Eventually, Reinhardt came around, and by the end of the video, Reinhardt was living up to the first half of his true motto, as we all must.

In order to achieve Celestial glory when we die, we must first live with honor. Righteousness is a prerequisite for receiving any blessing from God, especially including the greatest blessing He can give us: His glory. Thus, living for glory doesn't mean seeking the praise of the world, but seeking the blessings of God, and we don't do it by trying to stand out or show off; we do it by trying to be good. Living with honor is difficult, and I don't plan on dying any time soon, but I will try to live with honor so that I may die with glory.

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