Thursday, November 30, 2017

Memory Problem

One thing I've noticed over the last few days is that it's a lot harder to focus on spiritual matters when things are going well than it is when things are going poorly.

When things are going poorly, one is often inclined to reach out for help, and they usually have an easier time acknowledging and trying to stay on the good side of the source of that help. Basically, when we're experiencing trials, we have a regular and/or frequent reminder to turn to God. But when we aren't experiencing trials, we don't have that reminder. It's easy for us to forget God at those times because we don't seem to really need Him.

Of course, blessings can prompt feelings of gratitude, and if we have a close enough relationship with God, we might stay by Him just because we enjoy His company, even if we don't really need His help, but God's help is usually a big part of the reason people turn to Him, and when we don't seem to need His help at the moment, it's easy to forget to keep doing so.

I'm looking forward to another relatively easy day tomorrow, but this time, I'm going to try to keep a prayer in my heart, even if I don't really have a lot to say. I don't need to need God to have good reasons to pray to Him. I just hope that, tomorrow at least, I won't need to need God to help me remember to pray to Him.

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