Saturday, March 3, 2018

Accepting Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is tricky. It involves a complex balance between accepting one's flaws and striving to overcome them. First, we have to understand our imperfections without becoming overwhelmed by them or too comfortable with them, and then we have to work on overcoming those imperfections without being too hard or easy on ourselves.

It's difficult to get the balance right. Sometimes, I get frustrated and sometimes, I get complacent, but neither of those moods are going to help me achieve the changes I want to see in myself. I have to be willing to change and I have to accept that that change isn't going to come quickly. Yet, I have to keep moving forward. I have to keep trying to make progress. I shouldn't burn myself out or get too upset in the face of setbacks because that's not going to help me, but slowing down my progress for no good reason isn't going to help me either. I know that I have an eternity in which I can make progress, but I need to keep headed in that direction.

Change is important. Everyone needs to grow and improve, and we need to accept that if we're ever going to make an progress. But at the same time, no one is every going to manage to become perfect within this lifetime, and we need to accept that, too. Perfection is a goal that we have to keep striving for, but we have to be patient with ourselves until we reach it.

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