Sunday, March 4, 2018

Trekking Along

Elder M. Russell Ballard used the pioneer treks as a metaphor for our own treks back to our Heavenly Father. This works in several ways, including the courage that's needed to get started on such a path and the diligence required to stay on it. The early pioneers often had to blaze trails, literally and figuratively, in order to even get started toward their promised land, but that was only the beginning. Once one was one the path, he or she would have to work diligently in order to continue to make progress. Like them, latter-day members of the church sometimes have to pay a high price to join the church, and then all members, new and old, have to work continually to remain faithful. Being a member of the church isn't easy. It has never been easy. In any era, there is a great deal of work required to get on and stay on our literal or figurative path toward eternal life.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Sometimes it is not easy to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and live the Gospel, but I am pretty sure it's even harder to get through life without it.